For translators at lingoking

lingoking employee holding two stamps for certfied translations
Do you want to become a translator for lingoking?

Your first steps with lingoking

1. Registration

Our task
Verification of account

We send you an email with a verification link. Please click on the link in order to verify your email address.

Your Task
Upload your references

Please upload all important documents, such as CV, school certificates, certificate of appointment, etc. Please note that we cannot consider you for any job until we have all these documents.

Our task
Registration completed

After you have verified and completed your profile, your registration is done. Welcome!

2. Order process

Your order

You will then receive a confirmation email from us. The order is now available in your account under “Current orders”.


Please read the order description thoroughfully and also note the requirements and deadline. Upload the non-certified version to the platform and wait for the client‘s approval.

Customer approval

If the client has ordered a scan, upload it after the client has approved the translation.

Delivery by mail

Please send the certified translation in the name of lingoking to the client's address and enclose the official lingoking cover letter. After postal dispatch, enter the consignment number directly in the order. The order ist now completed!

3. Certified translations

Stylistic guidelines for certified translations

  • Connecting sheets: There are several permitted variants. We at lingoking use the variant that is also recognised standardly abroad by the authorities.
    • If a translation consists of several pages, they must be numbered.
    • A copy of the source text must be attached to the translation.
    • In the case of a few pages, the upper left corners of the sheets should be folded over in a scaled manner and the translator's stamp should be printed on the reverse of the folded-over sheets so that the binding cannot be removed without external visible damage.
    • If there are multiple sheets, it is recommended to use eyelets and basting cotton, for example.
  • The stamp and signature should be in blue (so that these elements stand out from the rest of the text).
  • Make sure that the paper and printing quality are appropriate.
  • Logos/signatures/coats of arms/stamps/seals or similar must NOT be copied into the translation, but must be indicated as a note in square brackets; any text contained therein must be translated.

What should a certified translation should contain?

Front of translation
  • [Header of translation] – The header of the certified translation must include "Certified) translation from XXX into XXX"
  • [Regarding whole translation]
    • All translator's notes must be provided in square brackets.
    • Stamps and other symbols must always be indicated and, if necessary, translated.
    • Institutions and public authorities must always be indicated with an explanation in square brackets.
    • All points of the source text must be fully translated or indicated.
    • The translation should be done according to the layout of the source text.
  • [Footer] – Certification note: a generally valid certification note with an indication of the form of the source text, name, place, and date of the translation.
    • If the translator’s address is not provided on the stamp, it must also be included in the certification note.
  • [Certification of translation] – The certification stamp must be placed on the front side next to the certification note. The stamp must also be accompanied by a signature. This applies to all pages of the translation.
Back of the Translation
  • [single-staple top left corner binding/Schuppenheftung] - The translation must be attached to either the simple or certified copy of the original. The documents must be staggered and then stamped and signed at the point of attachment. Optionally, the source text can also be stamped, but this is not mandatory for the validity of the certified translation.
Delivery by registered mail

Send certified translations, on behalf of lingoking, to the address detailed in the assignment. Enclose the official lingoking cover letter. 


lingoking GmbH

Gotzinger Straße 19

81371 Munich



Please forward certified translations by registered mail in strengthened DIN A4 envelopes with window. If you are also returning an original document to the customer, please forward the translation and original by registered post and keep the receipt.


In the case of express delivery, a telephone number must usually be provided to Deutsche Post so that the recipient or sender can be contacted in the event of queries. Please enter our telephone number here: 089 41612200.

5. Invoice processing & payment of fees

As already mentioned, you do not issue invoices to customers. Invoicing is handled by us.


You will receive a list of all completed orders at the end of the month. You will receive your fee within 30 days of the following month to the account you have specified.

4. Code of Conduct

✔ You are obligated to follow all instructions from the customer and to work to a professional.


✔ In accepting the order, you acknowledge the customer‘s requirements and lingoking‘s General Terms & Conditions.


✔ You acknowledge that you are dealing in good faith and are discreet and impartial.


✔ You will adhere to arrangements regarding deadlines and time limits. If this is not possible, you will inform the participants in

good time providing a thorough explanation. As far as possible, you will ensure that an appropriate replacement is provided.


✔ You are knowledgeable in the use of the relevant translation technology.


✔ You will neither issue an invoice to nor discuss prices with the customer. The fee guaranteed above by lingoking is binding.


✔ You will undertake a thorough review of your translation prior to delivery to the project manager and guarantee a translation

free of grammatical, orthographical or stylistic problems. Overly literal translations are to be avoided.


✔ Please use the same layout as the original text, wherever possible.


✔ PROOFREADING: Please use the Track Changes feature in Word. Your corrections and suggested changes should be made visible directly in the target files.

Important links and documents

Do you have any questions?

Please get in touch as soon as a question occurs to you. You can contact us directly by email, phone or chat.

Claudia, Vendor Managerin
Claudia Richter
Vendor Managerin

Frequently asked questions

FAQs: Registration

We have a three-step registration process:


  • Enter your contact details.
  • Specify your language combinations, subject area and language service type.
  • Upload your application documents, including your CV and references/testimonials.


Once you have completed these steps, you are registered on the platform.  

A lingoking team member will then check your profile.

Registering on our platform offers you the following advantages:


  • You can communicate with the lingoking team at any time.
  • You also have a direct line of communication with clients (anonymised).
  • You can accept new orders whenever it suits you.
  • It allows us to expand our customer base by taking on orders from new clients.

Anyone looking to translate for lingoking must meet certain criteria. To add you to our platform as a freelance translator, we need certain documents from you, such as certificates and references, which we will then review.  


You can upload these files on the platform and rest assured that any information you share with us is data-protected.


Registration guarantees smooth communication with the lingoking team as well as with customers.

We care about delivering impeccable quality to our customers. We cannot assume that all applicants are qualified translators or interpreters. That is why we need proof in the form of a degree and reference letters.

You need a translation or interpreting degree from an ATA-certified university/college or several years of proven work experience.


After your registration process, our team will review your documents and contact you to discuss the next steps.

All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory. This means that you must fill them in to continue the registration process.

To make sure that our systems display the delivery or start date of an order in your time zone,  we ask you to set your time zone when you register.


For text translation orders, the delivery date will be displayed according to your time zone. The time you see may differ from what the client sees, depending on their time zone.

If you do not want to work as a freelance translator for lingoking anymore and want your account to be removed, please get in contact with us. We will take care that your account will be removed.

FAQs: Profile

Uploading a profile picture to the platform is not mandatory. However, seeing a face and knowing who you are working with makes the collaboration process more pleasant.

Only the lingoking team will be able to see your profile.

Please upload all relevant documents you think may be of interest for us, such as CV, school certificates, certificate of appointment, etc.

FAQs: Matching process

You can log in to the platform at any time. Under “Enquiries”, you can see all available jobs that match your profile. You will also receive an email whenever we post an order on our platform that matches your language combination.

We cover all language combinations, however, order volumes for a particular language combination can vary.

Either there are no current jobs in your language combination, or you have not yet been accredited.

For fixed-price orders, you will receive an email with all the order details. As soon as you click on “Accept”, you accept the order under the conditions stated and the job becomes binding.

FAQs: Orders

Once we have verified your skills, you can see all the translation jobs that match your skills and start accepting new orders.

Certified translations to be submitted in Germany can only be performed by a translator sworn in Germany.


Different regulations apply depending on the state in which the translation is required. The client should check on the translation requirements with the competent authority before placing the order. If no such information is available at the time of commissioning, please ask your client which certification they need (e.g., German certification, Austrian certification, etc.) before executing the order.

If you are unable to carry out the assignment for valid reasons, you are first obliged to find a replacement who can take over the assignment for you.


If you cannot find a replacement, please let our team know as soon as possible.

No, you can only download the files one by one.

There are several ways to fix the problem:


Delete your browser’s cache and cookies.

Use another browser to access the platform (we recommend Chrome).  


If you have tried these two options and the problem still persists, please send us an email with a detailed description of the problem along with at least one screenshot. It is also helpful if you send us your browser data. Please send this information to


We will do our best to fix the problem as soon as possible.

After the translation of the documents you will upload the non-certified translation to the order. The client will now take the time to approve of the translation. If the client does not approve please check all changes that are supposed to be done. Should you have any questions on that, please contact us at any time. If the client approves of the translation, either prepare the shipping of the translation by registered mail and enter the number into the order. If the translation is not to be shipped by mail, upload the final version of the translation to the order. The order is completed with providing the client with the final version of the translation either by mail or by uploading it to the order.

Of course lingoking bears the costs of shipping certified translations to clients. These costs are already included in your fees. If you should have any questions about that please contact ust.

In order for our customers to be able to track the shippoing of their certified translation, it is important place delivery by registered mail. The order is completed as soon as you enter the tracking number into the order. Please be very thoroughful when entering the number.

Here you will find the template letter that goes with certified translations when they are shipped by registered mail. Please do not use this for our client ADAC. If you need documents, information or templates for translation for ADAC please get back to us.

FAQs: Payment

The lingoking platform is extremely secure. We do not pass on any data you share on the platform to third parties. Having your data on our platform is more secure than if you were to email it to us.


Providing your bank details is optional. As soon as you wish to release an order, we need your bank details to transfer your payment.

Translation fees at lingoking vary depending on the assignment and other factors such as language combination, time frame and complexity. If you have further questions, please contact us:

We need your account details so that we can transfer your fee to you. Your data is, of course, safe with us. You do not need to worry about that.

You will receive your fees within 30 days of the following month.

FAQs: General

Please make sure that all your open orders are completed before going on vacation. Furthermore please let us know as soon as possible when you will be on vacation and foremost when you will be back.

No, you do not have to create your own invoices. You can simply note the consecutice number on our credit note and hand it in for your tax return.