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Translations for your "American Dream"

  • In cooperation with lingoking, we would like to perfectly prepare you for your trip to the USA.

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Find the right translations for your "American Dream".
✔ Express delivery ✔ Personal contact ✔ Certified on request ✔ All language combinations

The American Dream new

Birth certificate

Produktbeschreibung Übersetzung
The American Dream new

Marriage or divorce certificate

Heiratsurkunden Übersetzung
The American Dream new

Declaration of custody for single parents

Sorgerechtserklärung übersetzen lassen
The American Dream new

Medical findings / vaccination certificate

Medizinische Fachübersetzungen
  • Certified translations
  • By professional specialist translators with industry expertise
  • Digital copy possible in advance

Follow your American Dream

Your translation in just 3 steps



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Just upload a scan or photo of the original document - that's all we need. We will deliver your order to your home in just a few days!

If you dream of working in the US, the first step is to look for a job in the US. Once you have found an employer in the US, they will file a petition for a US work permit for you. The actual visa application is then submitted.

For you, this means that you should first take care of your application documents.

Furthermore, you must meet the requirements for your work visa. This means that you usually have to submit the following documents to the authorities:

• Nationality
• Educational achievement
• Purpose of stay
• Duration of stay
• Length of service
• Qualification
• Marital status
• Criminal record

You can find more information at

Especially in the case of official documents, it is important to have them translated with certification. By the way, our translations are certified by translators who are sworn in by a court in Germany and are standardly accepted abroad.

Depending on the destination country, it is sometimes necessary to have the certified translation re-certified. The court where the translator is sworn in is responsible for this. With the re-certification, the court issues an internationally valid confirmation that the translator is sworn in Germany and authorised to certify translations.

Tip: Check with the local authority, consulate or competent body in the country of destination to find out what requirements apply in your case.

The CV is perhaps the most important criterion for a positive assessment and an invitation to an interview. And especially when applying in a foreign country - such as America - it is easy to stumble upon country-specific peculiarities that reduce the chances of success for a possible job.

This means for you:
Avoid formal mistakes with a professional specialist translator or ensure that your curriculum vitae is properly drafted with appropriate proofreading.

There are subtle nuances and differentiations in every language which - even with a very good command of the foreign language - can hardly be adhered to and translated accurately as a layperson. In general, we therefore advise against translating texts yourself. This weakens credibility with your reader and rarely makes a professional impression. You may even distort the contents of your letter to your disadvantage. It is better to opt for a professional translator who is guaranteed to translate the content of your texts with perfect grammar and expression. An additional quality check by a second native specialist translator, a so-called proofreading, offers even more security and is part of the standard procedure of professional translation agencies.
